
More hours

I got another few hours at work, this time in April. So April 23, I'll be working basically a nine-hour day for something-or-other (probably a conference). Every little bit helps, and actually, since I make a good amount per hour, working even one day is helpful. That does mean I'm not sure if I'll be coming back down in April, but since I have an exam on the 25th, it's probably for the best.

Okay, just about done my paper. Back to it.


Pretty Picture

Well, it's been a while since I posted, but given that I was back home over the weekend, I think it's understandable, if not acceptable.

Remember that assignment I was working on for ever and ever and it just wouldn't seem to work, until I finally got it to work at the last minute? I got it back, and got 100%... but I'm still not convinced that all the frustration was totally worth it.

Now, it's on to my last programming assignment -- probably the last one ever -- which is the project I was mentioning before. And it works relatively well, so far! A week to go, and I've just about got it done. It draws pretty pictures (okay just lines) on a monitor, in different colors at different distances, all dependant on button pushes. Now, all that's left is to make it change colors automatically in a "color sweep" pattern, and then write up the documentation. Even with some papers, etc. also due this week, I think I should be able to get it done in time for the "hand-in-early-bonus". That's what I'm shooting for, at least.

In other news, I have another shift at work... in May. Which is a long time from now. But I guess I'll just keep hoiping that something will open up.

Alright, back to my programming. So far, so good....


Dumb Project

So remember that Computer Science project I was mentioning last time? Well, before class yesterday, a couple of us were talking about it, and the prof comes in and hears what we're saying, and says "Yeah, but that's exactly how I don't want you to do it!". I say "Well, that's how our TA has been telling us to do it all along." To which the prof says "Hm... I guess I'd better talk with him."

It's a good thing we were talking about it and he happened to overhear -- otherwise, we would all have started doing this project the exact opposite way of how we were supposed to. *Sigh* I didn't like that TA much to begin with, and this certainly isn't going to change my mind.

In the same vein, I got my quiz back from that class, and did about as well as I had expected (85%, which is a bit lower than normal, but I'm not concerned). I made some really dumb mistakes which cost me 4 or 5% more, but when it's only worth 20% of my overall grade, all that means is that I would have lost 1 less percent overall. Whoop-dee-do. The last quiz is going to be a piece of cake, because the material is all repeated from high school physics, and this project looks to be not *too* bad. But we'll see...

Back to my religious studies research...


It's a Waiting Game

How is it that Easter is this week? Easter doesn't belong one week after St. Patrick's day... it belongs smack dab in the middle of exams where it provides a nice break from studying. Now, it's just smack dab in the middle of when all my papers and projects are starting to be due. Oh well.

Still no word on my new (web design) job, but they did say I'd hear Tuesday or Wednesday, so I guess I just have to wait 48 hours or so.

Other than that, I've ventured into the world of eBay and have *finally* bought myself another stick of memory for my computer. I bought this computer with the intention of upgrading the RAM right away. Now -- what, 3 years later? -- I've finally got around to purchasing the upgrade. It should be here end of the week, or early next week at the latest (hard to say with the holiday in the middle). I did get a good deal on it, though... about $60 rather than $160. And the seller is reputable, so it's all good. I'm also deliberating getting a laptop. I will seriously look into it if I get this other job, because it would be extremely convenient to not have to run back home every time I wanted to do some work (either work-work or homework). If the job pays well enough, I'm thinking I might see if I can't get a Mac -- depending on the deal, it'd be really nice to get a PowerBook, but that depends what I can find, and for how much. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Nothing much else to report. Started doing research for my term paper, which I think I will have more than enough information for. Again. *Sigh*. And I need to start my computer science project, but it's another project where I'm not sure quite *how* to start. I will be very, very glad when that class is over. Hm... I think we get our quizzes from that class back tonight, too. Have to see how that went -- I think I did well, but am a bit nervous, since it was really long, and kind of a strange test. At least the last bit of material we're doing (and therefore the last quiz) will be straight-forward (all stuff I did in high school physics, which was actually quite interesting). It's just this darn project that's got me worried. I'm going to start in earnest on it tomorrow.

Okay, well, back to Latin, and I'll try to not be waiting for the phone to ring *too* much.


mmmm.... chocolate

I just made brownies... mmmm... Yes, I'm avoiding studying for my CompSci exam tomorrow... but really, how can you study for a programming exam? I'm sure I'll figure something out.

As I think I've now told all of you, my other job interview (for a p/t web design job) went, I think, really well. I really, really, really, really, really (etc.) hope I get the job, because it sounds so perfect for me. It's one of those things where I almost think it sounds too good to be true, but I know that it's not. So here's hoping.

In other job related news, I have a shift this Thursday... starting at 7:30 AM ... yuck! I am most definately NOT looking forward to that. At all. In fact, my looking-forward-to threshold is in the negative territory.

Other than that, this week I am going to start working on my religious studies term paper. First up is doing the research, and this week, my goal is to get the research done for the questions "why does Origen think it is important for the soul to have self-knowledge?" and "according to Origen, is the soul corporeal or incorporeal?" These are probably two of the easiest questions to answer, so it'll be a nice way to ease myself into it.

The rest of the week will consist of the usual assortment of Latin quizzes (only one this week, I think), and maybe going to an NLL (National Lacrosse League) game on Friday. And a week from then, it's Easter time already ... oy. Time is going by way too fast.


Update on Program Change

I just got back from the Registrar's Office and have officially changed my program (ie. the one I applied to for Fall) to be a pure Religious Studies (Honors) degree, rather than what I was planning before. It will work out better in the long run, both in terms of future education (read: masters and beyond) and work in the research world. Teaching opportunities (once I have a masters/doctoral) will also be far more open to me, my undergrad advisor assures me.

So not only did I change my program but I registered for summer courses. At the moment, I'm registered in 4 courses (that's two each session of summer), but since I'm not a visiting student, I can change that at any time if I want!

The first two I will definately do: they are the last two introductory courses I will need; one in eastern religions and one on the nature of religion. Since they're first year courses, my advisor assures me that it'll be a walk in the park for me. The other two I will take at least one of; one is on Buddhism and one is on different religions' perspectives on death and the afterlife, which sounds very cool. The reason I'm going to take summer courses is that it will definately make my second degree work-load easier and lighter. And since it's only two courses at a time, it means I still will have plenty of time for work and maybe, on occasion, some fun. ;-)

Well, I have to do some Latin, so that's it for now.


I win!

Ha. Assignment done. After four restarts of various pieces over many hours and many days, I now have a program that multiplies. Please, hold your applause. Kev, no comments from you -- it's not C, or C++. But regardless... I don't want to do that ever again. So if anyone ever wants anything multiplied... my calculator-ish-brain is closed.

And now... a new, novel concept.



I'm Singin' in the....


It started hailing when I was about 5 minutes away from the school, on my way to school.

Little hail, but still.



Religious Studies it is...

So I met with the undergraduate advisor for Religious Studies (who happens to be my religious studies prof) about my program, as I said I was going to in my last post. First of all, I got 100% on that outline I handed in... woohoo! Then, I talked with her for about 1/2 hour, and she and I are both convinced that a straight religious studies degree is definately the way to go for me, for a number of reasons. I won't list them all here, because I'm working on a deadline for assignment that's due tomorrow. Maybe after that.

Oh, and it looks like I might be working on the 18th... I have a lab during the day, but I'm 99% sure it's nothing I can't miss (I will double check with the prof first tho). I figure if I get this out of the way (it's a bit of training) then I can start working evenings and weekends. If I don't, then I wait. So assuming all is good with the prof, all should be "go" on the 18th. Is that when Mary's conference is, Mom? I can't remember...

Anyways. Assignmenting.


News Update

We interrupt your day for this breaking news...

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have not even fallen off my bike, which is remarkable since I have not done much bike riding in the past... well... several years.

Since I last updated, I've been home and back, handed in a major assignment and got a midterm back, had work training, and have started looking for supplementary income (again), have gone grocery shopping to get all the things I forgot at home or forgot that I needed from home (orange juice, anyone? At least it was on sale), saw a girl I haven't seen since first year university and set up a meeting with advising to figure out what exactly I'm going to for my next year(s) of university, have gone out for lunch with relatives and ... not really any parallels to that one.

But let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Home and back: most of you know all about that one, since you all were there! Fixed a couple computers, watched some TV, and managed to actually get the dog to come when I called him -- at least he wasn't ignoring me this time.

Major assignment handed in: the annotated bibliography and somewhat outline for my religious studies term paper, which means now all that's left to do is do is the actual research and the writing. And the final take home paper, which we got our topic for this week, too.
Midterm back in Latin: Ohhhhh I kicked myself. I didn't read the question entirely properly and lost 6 marks (which was only like 2% but still) and then wrote "reflexive" when I meant "relative". Ah well. 95.6% isn't anything to be complaining about.

Had work training: ie. a tour of the facilities. I also handed in my first time sheet. Now the only question is... when will I work again? The guy (who I assume is my supervisor?) said that they want me to work an event with one of the full time staff during a day sometime, but that as of yet, there was nothing in March that would work into my schedule. So what, I don't work until April?!? I'm not terribly happy about that, and so I...

Started looking for supplementary income: But since I'm already juggling two schedules and don't really want to try juggling a third, I'm trying to find work that I can do a bit more casually. For me, that means emailing all the webdesign companies I can find that are hiring and hope that someone "bites". As of yet, no such luck. *sigh* frustrating.

Grocery shopping: not much to tell here, except that yes, I went grocery shopping. And yet my fridge still looks empty. But that's evened out in the fact that my freezer is so packed full. I believe that is evidence that I really am a student.

Picked up things I forgot: yes, I know I didn't take the spaghetti sauce out of the deep freeze. And I didn't take any of those margerine things either. And I needed OJ but forgot. But that's okay; I picked up one of the big 3kg things of margerine for pretty cheap and that should last me at least 'til I come down again ;-). And OJ was on sale. And spaghetti sauce I have that jar of the store bought stuff, which actually isn't all that bad!

Girl I haven't seen since first year: that about explains it all. I took first year computer science with her, and then she moved up to Calgary. She apparently stuck with computer science and is graduating in April before going on to grad school. That makes 3 people that I know of that were in my first computer science class that are actually graduating with a CS degree. Including myself.

Plans for coming university: *sigh* So Hebrew, which I need for my after-degree, isn't going to be offered in Fall. Or it might be, but off campus or as an independant study. Either way, I'm not optimistic. And apparently there's only one other student in the entire university in the major that I'm planning on going into. So who knows if/when it will be offered again, and if the program will even continue to exist. I will, of course, still be able to manage to do this program (assuming Hebrew is offered in the near future), but it will be an absolute pain in the behind. So I'm going to talk to the undergrad advisor for religious studies (who happens to be my religious studies prof) about "what to do" on Monday. I do have some options, but am not sure where they will lead me. But that's why she's called an "advisor".

Lunch with relatives: Thursday was lunch with 2 aunts, 2 cousins and... what do you call a cousin's son? Hm... Anyways, we actually had lunch at a food court, and while often there is nothing really good at food courts, I had a really, really good salad. It was from Arby's and it was called Martha's Vineyard or something like that. Lettuce, "grape" tomatoes (which no, I did not eat), apple chunks, craisins, shredded cheese, sliced almonds and chicken with a raspberry vinaigrette. Highly recommended. As for the relatives part of lunch with relatives, I got to see the new baby (very cute) and heard lots of wedding talk. And then rushed back to school to make it to class on time.

That's about all I have to report. This weekend consists of doing an assignment for next Tuesday, and maybe some reading/research for my term paper. And I should do some Latin. Maybe.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled "programming"


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