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"Wrapping" Up

Well, the Christmas gifts are wrapped and ... well, they were under the tree. Now they're in Kev's car, ready for the journey down tomorrow. J is going down today, so I basically have the house to myself until tomorrow morning... what to do, what to do!

But let's back up a bit... say... back to Monday?

Monday: finished 20 page paper on the Carpocratian uses of the Gospel of Mark. Longest paper I've ever done, so that was a sense of accomplishment. Crammed madly for Greek exam. And I do mean madly. Put up the rest of the Christmas decorations.

Tuesday: Wrote Greek exam in the morning. Cleaned, cooked and generally prepped for 'shindig' in the evening. Wrapped presents, toured university with Kev, played Killer Bunnies.

Ah yes, Killer Bunnies. The first point of deviation from this timeline. Killer Bunnies is a wonderfully terrible card game; I will bring it down with me tomorrow. But until then, check out the link: http://killerbunnies.com/game/

Continuing with Tuesday: had dinner: Pasta Carbonara, Caesar Salad, Applesauce, Corn, Farmer Sausage, Fruit Punch (or pop, or a cooler, or water, or... there was no shortage of drinks). After dinner, there was far too much food, which meant that we didn't have room for dessert *quite* yet. So it was over to the couch to watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Great movie; much funnier than I thought it would be. Movie time was also goodie time... chocolates, chips and dip, etc. Way too much of that, too... tho J and I have managed to "clean up" quite a bit of it since then. Dessert was also had... Death By Chocolate. Woohoo. Also homemade Hot Apple Cider. Oh, and we watched an episode of "The Pretender", since Tay hadn't seen it for years. Mom, you and I used to watch that show together, as I recall. J has the entire first two seasons on DVD, so I'll bring the first season down, and we can watch it if you're interested. After that, tho no one wanted to admit it, we were all fairly tired, so the next major activity was ... Bed Time! So much for our thoughts that this would end up being a late night. Oh well.

On to Wednesday, where not much of note happened... started reading the book that I've been waiting to read for like ... 2 or 3 weeks: The Golden Compass by Pullman, the first book of the series "His Dark Materials." I picked it up on the recommendation of I-don't-even-remember-who, but haven't had a chance to read it because of exams. So far, so good. I might have to get the other 2 books of the trilogy. Other than that, I played a computer game or two, listened to the sorry excuse for a Flames' game on the radio, and generally lazed around. First chance I've had to do that in a while. Oh, also played the 3rd installment of the Lord of the Rings Strategy Board Game (J's Christmas present from me), and the bonus game included in it. Not bad, but not as good as the first two. The "Fellowship" one was by far the best of the three. We also watched Madagascar (I really wasn't all that impressed, to be honest) and Mr. and Mrs. Smith again (while setting up the game -- it takes a while to punch out all of the game board pieces!)

As for today, the only real events so far have been finding out that I got an A in Greek (I was a bit worried), and more of the same from yesterday. J is packing at the moment, so I'm helping where I can, and I'll do my own packing later today. I also uploaded some pictures so you can see our Christmas decorations.

That's it for now. Going to... oh, I don't know. Relax. Read. Something.



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