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What a Day

Oy. What a day. At about 10:30 this morning, there's a knock on the door... the laundry room next door has flooded. Seven hours, my living room has been dismantled, moving the computer desk to where the couch used to be, and the couch is now wedged into the storage room. The TV, table, and my bedroom dresser have also been moved from their places, onto drier floors. For those of you that have been to my apartment, the laundry room, as you will recall, is on the other side of the wall where my TV was. The water soaked pretty well to the middle of the room, all the way along the outside wall, into by bedroom by about 2 feet, and all along the dining room walls. Outside, in the hallway, the entire hall was flooded, across to the apartment on the other side, and it reached around to my front door, and came in under the door a bit, too. Needless to say, it's a total mess. It *is* clean water, but that's about all the good news. I called J to come and help me move my stuff, and when we were moving my desk, I was in my sandals, and the water was literally over my sandals, onto my feet. I tried putting a towel in the corner by where my bookshelves were, to try to stop the water from running into the bedroom, and by the time I got back from Tim Hortons (had to use the bathroom -- they had to cut the water), the towel was so soaked, it was dripping. So much for that. Apparently, it wasn't bad enough that the laundry room flooded, but when they were trying to fix whatever it was, they needed to flush the lines, and it didn't work so well. So when they tried turning the water back on, things started backing up through the pipes -- so much so that I later learned that they were very lucky that the pipes didn't burst into the underground parking lot... that's how much pressure there was. Anyways, so I'm staying over at J's for the next couple of days at least, because tonight they are going to be running fans/heaters to try to dry everything up, and then the carpet is going to be completely replaced (not just the underlay, but the entire carpet). That and if I were to stay there, I'd have nowhere to sit... no computer, no TV, can't even really get to my bookshelf, and besides, my bed is under piles of stuff moved from everywhere. So it's been quite the day... honestly, it seems like the day just kinda "wasn't there". But none of my stuff has been damaged, and everything should be fixed up in the next couple of days... we're hoping.


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