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looking, looking...

Not many updates recently, but that's more because there's no news to report. All that's "news-worthy", I guess is that I'm still looking for a job (thus the title). I've applied for a couple more web design positions, but there's not a whole lot of jobs that I'm finding. Not a big deal right now, but as each day goes by, I'd really like to be finding something!

Update on the courses: Latin seems to be going alright -- better than it was. It's a different style of teaching, which means a different style of learning, but I think it'll be alright. A whole lot of memorizing though. Religious Studies is still pretty good... I should finally have my textbook by the end of this week. I managed to get it half-price by getting it through Chapters as opposed to the campus bookstore. And finally computer science... *sigh*. So I'm working on this assignment, and I think I've got pretty well figured out how to do the stuff that we didn't learn when I did the prerequisite equivalent. Boatloads of examples, etc. all work out just fine. But when it comes to the assignment question, it just doesn't make any sense. In fact, I'm just about convinced (like 98.75%) that there must be a mistake with the question because I know that my comprehension of this stuff isn't that bad. I kicked at this question for several hours over the weekend to no avail. I let J look it over, and she came to the same conclusion as I, so... where does that leave me? To go talk to my lab instructor tonight, and hope that he can either explain to me where I'm going wrong or that maybe I'm right and there's a flaw in the question. The thing is I'm not very impressed with this lab instructor (read: not at all impressed), but it's really all I've got to go on. So we'll see.

Oh, and still with computer science, the prof apparently ordered the wrong textbook, so assuming the bookstore is still doing returns, I should be able to get ~$100 back. He said not to bother getting the proper one, since the bookstore won't be ordering it in. We'll see.

Datz it for now... hopefully this lab tonight makes this assignment make more sense. That would definately be a bonus.


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