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say wha?

Q. How were your classes today?
A. Latin was fine.
Q. And what about your computer science?
A. Latin was fine.

There is a problem with taking a prerequisite course at one institution and the follow-up course at another. They're almost never the same. Now, it's not a problem when you do all the material or more in the prereq that would have been done at the other institution. The problem arises when your background knowledge comprises only about 75% of that which you are expected to have.

Guess what situation I'm in? That's right... having to learn about a month's worth of "stuff" in a couple of weeks, in time to do the first assignment and quiz. Oh, and I have to keep up with all the other material we're doing on top of this. I managed to borrow a textbook -- albeit not the one I used, nor the one that the prereq course uses -- so I guess it's time to start hitting the books. Maybe literally. If you see me with a dent in my forehead, that's why. Either that or because I fell asleep on top of my stack of books.


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